How do I use the automated gate system to allow my guests entry?

Automated Gate System to Call in a Guest: 772-336-9824

Live Guard: 772-336-8197 *
*Please keep in mind they are always checking guests in so they rarely can answer the line, please be patient.

ABDI is the gate entry system. You can access it on their website to manage your gate guest list.. Follow these steps:

1. Go to www.gateaccess.net

2. Select LKCH as the Community Code from the drop down menu

3. Your username is your primary telephone number used at the gate (without hyphens)

4. Your password is your gate pincode

Once you've logged in, you can change your username and/or password if you wish.

If you need your pincode, please call the office during business hours and we will be able to assist you.

ABDI also has a mobile app that you can use on your cellphone or tablet. It's called ABDI GateAccess. You can login using the same credentials as above.